Friday, 3 August 2012

Women's Voices on the Arab Spring: Fida Ouri

Fida Ouri - Media Strategist, Palestine
 1. Were women’s roles in the Arab Spring more or less meaningful than men’s roles?

I think this depends on the country. For example, we haven’t noticed the presence of women in the Syrian revolt as much as we saw it in Egypt, Yemen, and, maybe, Libya. Women's roles in Egypt in the revolt have been as important as men's, and we saw them as university students, housewives, elderly women — united and all fighting for the same cause.

2. Have the revolts of the Arab Spring improved the position of women’s rights in the region?

I think it is too early to tell; time will show, as we see changes in legislation in favor of women. Generally, I believe women are taking part in the Arab Spring to improve their position on all levels, whether economic, social or political. In Tunisia, now we have seen that women are skeptical of their future and of their rights being reversed after the Arab Spring.

3. How can the women of the Arab Spring turn this activism into long-term/sustainable gains?

Women in the Arab world should ensure that policies and regulations are changed on the long run in their favor. Also, women must ensure their full participation in the political, economic and social life to guarantee that those gains or achievements are there forever.
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