The female figurehead of Tunisia's victorious Islamist party has said that its brand of Islam would help rather than hinder the advancement of women across the Arab and Muslim world.
Souad Abdel Rahim, whose stylish appearance in smart suits and silk blouses, worn without a hijab or headscarf, has made her a key element of Ennahda's rise to prominence, told The Daily Telegraph: "The doors are open for women now."
She said the victory of the party in last week's parliamentary election, in which it won 90 out of 217 seats, sent a message to other moderate Islamist parties across the region that they should provide a "framework" for women to advance themselves.
"We can sense that there has already been an impact. Even in Saudi Arabia, women can now vote," she said, referring to a recent decision by the king to open municipal elections to women for the first time.
Ennahda was suppressed under the secular dictatorship of President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who was overthrown in a popular revolution in January.
Its leader, Rached Ghannouchi, returned from London after two decades in exile in triumph, but his electoral victory rested on his insistence that the party would preserve Tunisia's liberal traditions and respect democracy.
Souad Abdel Rahim, whose stylish appearance in smart suits and silk blouses, worn without a hijab or headscarf, has made her a key element of Ennahda's rise to prominence, told The Daily Telegraph: "The doors are open for women now."
She said the victory of the party in last week's parliamentary election, in which it won 90 out of 217 seats, sent a message to other moderate Islamist parties across the region that they should provide a "framework" for women to advance themselves.
"We can sense that there has already been an impact. Even in Saudi Arabia, women can now vote," she said, referring to a recent decision by the king to open municipal elections to women for the first time.
Ennahda was suppressed under the secular dictatorship of President Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali, who was overthrown in a popular revolution in January.
Its leader, Rached Ghannouchi, returned from London after two decades in exile in triumph, but his electoral victory rested on his insistence that the party would preserve Tunisia's liberal traditions and respect democracy.